Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

Hello, everyone. Soon I will be telling you all goodbye, as Mrs. Tran is returning to Ide next Thursday!!
What a week we have had. On Thursday, eight of our butterflies appeared. A small group of 1st graders and I actually had the privilege of watching one of them as it emerged from the chrysalis. I think the boys were just as amazed as I was. It was incredible to watch, and the second grade teachers tell me that it doesn't happen very often. Soon it will be time to let our butterflies go, as they need fresh air and flowers from our yards and gardens.
It was very nice to see so many of you at Open House. Thanks for stopping by.
Work continued all week on chicks, butterflies, rain forests, and Earth Day activities.
Have a great weekend. It promises to be a warm one-----finally!
Mrs. Cuzzone