Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

Hi, everyone. Well, February is coming to an end. I am still hopeful each week that SPRING will appear!

We have had a busy week, back into our regular schedules after testing and special projects. The students have all been hard at work.

The first graders had a challenging week in spelling, with long o words spelled in two ways----oa and ow. They met that challenge and worked hard on their spelling all week. In math, we finished the chapter on place value, and EVERYONE did very well on a test about tens and ones. This was a fun unit, and we were able to do many games and activities to help us learn place value. We worked hard in reading, as always, and this week we tried to have more time to read to me and to each other.

The second graders worked on "oo" words in spelling. Reading continues to be a priority, and the second graders also read to me and to each other a bit more. Second grade math concentrated on money, which is really challenging, and shapes, which the children usually find really enjoyable. Everyone is progressing very well.

The teachers are busy scheduling parent conferences for the second week in March. I will attend as many of those conferences as I can. If you feel the need for a conference with just me, please don't hesitate to call me here at Ide, or e-mail me at

Have a great weekend. Don't forget-----no school on Monday!
Mrs. Cuzzone