Friday, January 20, 2012

Week of January 17th - 20th

2nd Grade Math
We are working with money this week. We learned how to count on using various coins: half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. Please keep practicing this at home!

1st Grade Reading
We completed Unit 6 of our Wilson Fundations program today. Unit 7 will be working with new glued sounds. They are: ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk.
These glued sounds do not have individual sounds but they are closely glued together. To tap these out you use three fingers glued together to represent the sounds working together.

2nd Grade Reading
We are working on Unit 8 of the Wilson Fundations program. In this Unit, we are working with the r-controlled syllable.
This syllable contains a single vowel followed by an r (ar, er, ir, or, ur).
The vowel is neither long nor short; it is controlled by the r.
The syllable can be combined with other syllables to make multisyllabic words.